Get started with a premium collection of responsive navigation bars built for application and dashboard user interfaces built with Tailwind CSS.
Use this navigation bar inside a dashboard interface to show a side nav toggle, logo, search bar, button CTA, notifications, app center, and user avatar dropdown.
Use this example to show a responsive double navbar with a project switch dropdown, user dropdown, notifications, and app center.
This example can be used to show a navigation bar with the logo, menu items, notifications, app center, project switch, user dropdown, and an advanced search input in the sub nav.
This advanced navbar can be used to show three levels of layers featuring menu items, project switcher dropdowns, CTA buttons, notifications, an app center, and a user dropdown.
Use this example to show three responsive layers of navigation bars featuring a user switch dropdown, primary and secondary menu items, search input, and CTA buttons.
This example can be used in two lists of menu items of which one is centered alongside a CTA button, search input, notification dropdown, app center, and user dropdown.